Naive approaches
Parameterize everything
Make everything configurable
by default so if there is ever a change you need to make, there is a backdoor
for you to make it.
This is very similar to how mobile apps
are made highly configurable
so they can be updated in the background without needing to go through App store
/ Play store
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0pragma solidity ^0.8.22;
contract Storage { uint multiplier; uint num;
constructor() { num = 0; multiplier = 1; }
function setNum(uint _num) public { num = _num * multiplier; }
function getnum() public virtual returns (uint) { return num; }
function setMultiplier(uint _multiplier) public { multiplier = _multiplier; }}
Migrating contracts
Ask everyone to upgrade to a new smart contract address.
Pros -
- Easy enough. No need to understand proxies/upgrades
Cons -
- Storage needs to be migrated to the new contract
- Everyone needs to update the contract address in their clients