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Option enum

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The Option enum was introduced in Rust to handle the concept of nullability in a safe and expressive way. Unlike many programming languages that use a null or similar keyword to represent the absence of a value, Rust doesn’t have null.

pub enum Option<T> {

If you ever have a function that should return null, return an Option instead.

For example

fn find_first_a(s: String) -> Option<i32> {
for (index, character) in s.chars().enumerate() {
if character == 'a' {
return Some(index as i32);
return None;
fn main() {
let my_string = String::from("raman");
match find_first_a(my_string) {
Some(index) => println!("The letter 'a' is found at index: {}", index),
None => println!("The letter 'a' is not found in the string."),