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Enums in rust are similar to enums in Typescript. They allow you to define a type by enumerating its possible variants.

Ref -

enum Direction {
fn main() {
let my_direction = Direction::North;
let new_direction = my_direction; // No error, because Direction is Copy
fn move_around(direction: Direction) {
// implements logic to move a character around

Why not simply do the following -

fn main() {
fn move_around(direction: String) {
if direction == "north" {
println!("Moving North");

Because we don’t enforce the 4 variants of directions. So this is much looser than strictly allowing only 4 variants for direction

Enums with values

// Define an enum called Shape
enum Shape {
Circle(f64), // Variant with associated data (radius)
Square(f64), // Variant with associated data (side length)
Rectangle(f64, f64), // Variant with associated data (width, height)
// Function to calculate area based on the shape
fn calculate_area(shape: Shape) -> f64 {
// calculates the area of the shape
return 0
fn main() {
// Create instances of different shapes
let circle = Shape::Circle(5.0);
let square = Shape::Square(4.0);
let rectangle = Shape::Rectangle(3.0, 6.0);

We will be implementing the calcuate_area function in the pattern matching section