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Cohort 3.0 Exclusive Hackathon

Link -

We’re doing an exclusive hackathon with $100 prize for the top 50 submissions

Screenshot 2024-08-02 at 5.01.39 PM.png

Focus on UX. Have a live link deployed.

Project ideas

  1. Web3 Zapier -
  2. Whale Alert -
  3. Liquidating an NFT to a token -
  4. NFT viewing gallery (maybe in 3D) -
  5. Decentralized Fiver - End to End job portal to hire solana devs, pay them, escrow money from the job provider.
  6. RPC aggregator - Let a user put in a bunch of RPCs from various providers (Helius, Alchemy, QuickNode) and you should figure out which one to forward requests to (Similar to )
  7. Wallet adapter for a web based wallet -
  8. Youtube channel opinions market - Let people trade on a coin associated to a Youtube channel. Creator can come and collect royalties by connecting their YT account.
  9. Tiplink (even tho we’re building it saparately, if you want to build a better version with a twist, you should do it)
  10. Github Bounty Dispenser. Make users give their Adhar/Pan. Make users link their github with their wallet address. Allow maintainers to approve bounties. Create a dashboard where you can track profiles of users/companies and a leaderboard of contributors based on bounty earned
  11. UI Library for Solana - NFTCard, TokenCard, SwapCard