Week 17.1 Building Paytm
Up until now, our discussions have primarily revolved around theoretical concepts. In this lecture, Harkirat takes a practical approach
by guiding us through the hands-on process of building a Paytm like application
The stack for this project includes Next.js for the frontend and backend (or a separate backend), Express for auxiliary backends, Turborepo for managing the monorepo, a PostgreSQL database, Prisma as the ORM, and Tailwind for styling.
While there are
no specific notes
provided for this section, a mini guide is outlined below to assist you in navigating through the process of building the application. Therefore, it is stronglyadvised to actively follow along
during the lecture for a hands-on learning experience.
In this hands-on lecture, we will be building a Paytm-like application. The first step is to plan the features and design the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX). For the UX, we can either follow first principles or take inspiration from existing successful websites. As for the UI, while there are tools available, finding a good one can be challenging.
Next, we will focus on the high-level design, including the authentication provider, database, backend stack, frontend stack, and the modules we’ll have (such as common, UI, and backend). We’ll also decide on the cloud platform for deployment. Additionally, we’ll delve into the low-level design, including schema design, route signatures, and frontend components. While entity-relationship diagrams can be useful, they may not be necessary unless you’re a highly visual person.
Feature planning
User login
- Auth (In this case, probably email/phone)
- On ramp from bank, off ramp to bank
- Support transfers via phone number/name
- Support scanning a QR code for transferring to merchants
Merchant login
- Login with google
- Generate a QR Code for acceptance
- Merchants get an alert/notification on payment
- Merchant gets money offramped to bank every 2 days
UI/UX (End User)
Landing Page
User Home Page
User Transfer Page
UI/UX (Merchant)
Hot paths
- Send money to someone
- Withdraw balance of merchant
- Withdraw balance of user back to bank
- Webhooks from banks to transfer in money
This is ~1 month job for a 2 engineer team.
We can cut scope in either
- UI
- Number of features we support (remove merchant altogether)
- Number of services we need (merge bank server, do withdrawals directly and not in a queue assuming banks are always up)
- Frontend and Backend - Next.js (or Backend)
- Express - Auxilary backends
- Turborepo
- Postgres Database
- Prisma ORM
- Tailwind
Bootstrap the app
- Init turborepo
npx create-turbo@latest
- Rename the two Next apps to
- user-app
- merchant-app
- Add tailwind to it.
cd apps/user-appnpm install -D tailwindcss postcss autoprefixernpx tailwindcss init -p
cd ../merchant-appnpm install -D tailwindcss postcss autoprefixernpx tailwindcss init -p
Update tailwind.config.js
/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */module.exports = { content: [ "./app/**/*.{js,ts,jsx,tsx,mdx}", "./pages/**/*.{js,ts,jsx,tsx,mdx}", "./components/**/*.{js,ts,jsx,tsx,mdx}", "../../packages/ui/**/*.{js,ts,jsx,tsx,mdx}" ], theme: { extend: {}, }, plugins: [],}
Update global.css
@tailwind base;@tailwind components;@tailwind utilities;
Adding prisma
Ref - https://turbo.build/repo/docs/handbook/tonols/prisma
- Create a new
folder - Initialise package.json
npm init -ynpx tsc --init
- Update package.json
{ "name": "@repo/db", "version": "0.0.0", "dependencies": { "@prisma/client": "^5.11.0" }, "devDependencies": { "prisma": "5.11.0" }, "exports": { "./client": "./index.ts" }}
- Update tsconfig.json
{ "extends": "@repo/typescript-config/react-library.json", "compilerOptions": { "outDir": "dist" }, "include": ["src"], "exclude": ["node_modules", "dist"] }
- Init prisma
npx prisma init
- Start DB locally/on neon.db/on aiven
- Update .env with the new database URL
- Add a basic schema
model User { id Int @id @default(autoincrement()) email String @unique name String?}
- MIgrate DB
npx prisma migrate
- Update
export * from '@prisma/client';
- Try adding
import { NextResponse } from "next/server"import { PrismaClient } from "@repo/db/client";
const client = new PrismaClient();
export const GET = async () => { await client.user.create({ data: { email: "asd", name: "adsads" } }) return NextResponse.json({ message: "hi there" })}
Add a recoil/store module
- Create
cd packagesmkdir storenpm init -ynpx tsc --init
- Install dependencies
npm i recoil
- Update tsconfig.json
{ "extends": "@repo/typescript-config/react-library.json", "compilerOptions": { "outDir": "dist" }, "include": ["src"], "exclude": ["node_modules", "dist"]}
- Update package.json
{ "name": "@repo/store", "version": "1.0.0", "description": "", "main": "index.js", "scripts": { "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1" }, "keywords": [], "author": "", "license": "ISC", "dependencies": { "recoil": "^0.7.7" }}
- Create a simple
called balance insrc/atoms/balance.ts
import { atom } from "recoil";
export const balanceAtom = atom<number>({ key: "balance", default: 0,})
- Create a simple
import { useRecoilValue } from "recoil"import { balanceAtom } from "../atoms/balance"
export const useBalance = () => { const value = useRecoilValue(balanceAtom); return value;}
- Add export to package.json
"exports": { "./useBalance": "./src/hooks/useBalance"}
Import recoil in the next.js apps
- Install recoil in them
npm i recoil
- Add a
"use client"import { RecoilRoot } from "recoil";
export const Providers = ({children}: {children: React.ReactNode}) => { return <RecoilRoot> {children} </RecoilRoot>}
- Update
return ( <html lang="en"> <Providers> <body className={inter.className}>{children}</body> </Providers> </html> );
- Create a simple client component and try using the
hook in there
"use client";
import { useBalance } from "@repo/store/useBalance";
export default function() { const balance = useBalance(); return <div> hi there {balance} </div>}
If you see this, we’ll try to debug it end of class. Should still work in dev mode
Add next-auth
Update the database schema
generator client { provider = "prisma-client-js"}
datasource db { provider = "postgresql" url = env("DATABASE_URL")}
model User { id Int @id @default(autoincrement()) email String? @unique name String? number String @unique password String}
model Merchant { id Int @id @default(autoincrement()) email String @unique name String? auth_type AuthType}
enum AuthType { Google Github}
- Go to
- Initialize next-auth
npm install next-auth
- Initialize a simple next auth config in
import db from "@repo/db/client";import CredentialsProvider from "next-auth/providers/credentials"import bcrypt from "bcrypt";
export const authOptions = { providers: [ CredentialsProvider({ name: 'Credentials', credentials: { phone: { label: "Phone number", type: "text", placeholder: "1231231231" }, password: { label: "Password", type: "password" } }, // TODO: User credentials type from next-aut async authorize(credentials: any) { // Do zod validation, OTP validation here const hashedPassword = await bcrypt.hash(credentials.password, 10); const existingUser = await db.user.findFirst({ where: { number: credentials.phone } });
if (existingUser) { const passwordValidation = await bcrypt.compare(credentials.password, existingUser.password); if (passwordValidation) { return { id: existingUser.id.toString(), name: existingUser.name, email: existingUser.number } } return null; }
try { const user = await db.user.create({ data: { number: credentials.phone, password: hashedPassword } });
return { id: user.id.toString(), name: user.name, email: user.number } } catch(e) { console.error(e); }
return null }, }) ], secret: process.env.JWT_SECRET || "secret", callbacks: { // TODO: can u fix the type here? Using any is bad async session({ token, session }: any) { session.user.id = token.sub
return session } } }
- Create a
import NextAuth from "next-auth"
const handler = NextAuth(authOptions)
export { handler as GET, handler as POST }
- Update .env
- Ensure u see a signin page at http://localhost:3000/api/auth/signin
Create lib/auth.ts
import GoogleProvider from "next-auth/providers/google";
export const authOptions = { providers: [ GoogleProvider({ clientId: process.env.GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID || "", clientSecret: process.env.GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET || "" }) ], }
- Create a
import NextAuth from "next-auth"
const handler = NextAuth(authOptions)
export { handler as GET, handler as POST }
- Put your google client and secret in
of the merchant app. Ref https://next-auth.js.org/providers/google
- Ensure u see a signin page at http://localhost:3001/api/auth/signin
- Try signing in and make sure it reaches the DB
Add auth
Client side
- Wrap the apps around
context from the next-auth package - Go to
"use client"import { RecoilRoot } from "recoil";import { SessionProvider } from "next-auth/react";
export const Providers = ({children}: {children: React.ReactNode}) => { return <RecoilRoot> <SessionProvider> {children} </SessionProvider> </RecoilRoot>}
- Do the same for
Server side
Create apps/user-app/app/api/user.route.ts
import { getServerSession } from "next-auth"import { NextResponse } from "next/server";import { authOptions } from "../../lib/auth";
export const GET = async () => { const session = await getServerSession(authOptions); if (session.user) { return NextResponse.json({ user: session.user }) } return NextResponse.json({ message: "You are not logged in" }, { status: 403 })}
Ensure login works as exptected
Add an Appbar component
- Update the
component in UI
"use client";
import { ReactNode } from "react";
interface ButtonProps { children: ReactNode; onClick: () => void;}
export const Button = ({ onClick, children }: ButtonProps) => { return ( <button onClick={onClick} type="button" className="text-white bg-gray-800 hover:bg-gray-900 focus:outline-none focus:ring-4 focus:ring-gray-300 font-medium rounded-lg text-sm px-5 py-2.5 me-2 mb-2"> {children} </button>
- Create a
component that is highly generic (doesnt know anything about the user/how to logout).
import { Button } from "./button";
interface AppbarProps { user?: { name?: string | null; }, // TODO: can u figure out what the type should be here? onSignin: any, onSignout: any}
export const Appbar = ({ user, onSignin, onSignout}: AppbarProps) => { return <div className="flex justify-between border-b px-4"> <div className="text-lg flex flex-col justify-center"> PayTM </div> <div className="flex flex-col justify-center pt-2"> <Button onClick={user ? onSignout : onSignin}>{user ? "Logout" : "Login"}</Button> </div> </div>}
We are here - https://github.com/100xdevs-cohort-2/paytm-project-starter-monorepo